Ninja Saga - Proxy Cheat(Tokens )

Saturday, January 23, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly, Go to Ninja Saga

Requirement :
  • Browser ( FireFox/Flock )
  • Brain !!

Steps :

  1. All you need is just go visit this site --> u can google other sites)
  2. On proxy type option chose 'transparent' and chose 'less than 1 sec' on latency option.
  3. You'll get a list with working proxies.
  4. On your browser click Tools > Option > Advance > Network.
  5. Choose manual proxy then fill the proxy and port column with one of the proxy on the list.
  6. Check/Tick 'use this proxy for all protocols' and press ok
  7. Load game and go to 'earn saga token' > TokenAds.
  8. Now you will get many offers.
  9. Complete the offers with 'Free. no purchase required' or 'Free. no purchase necessary' announcement.
  10. Viola !! Once u completed the offer(s) you'll earn the tokens.
  11. Try this with different countries. i recommended america's and europe's.
  12. They have so many offers. hehe.

Strictly Notes : Sometimes the page won't load .
So , don't worries .
Just go change the proxy with the new one.

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