Garden World - Coins Cheat v2

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 by: puzzifier

Requirement :
  • Cheat Engine 5.5
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Flash Player 9
  1. Go to Garden World by clicking above links .
  2. Sell/Buy an item in Garden World
  3. Open Cheat Engine and choose process FireFox
  4. Make sure you tick this following settings (8bytes, Hex, ASROM)
  5. Scan "0ff2e4558b74488b"
  6. 1 address should returned
  7. Right click the address and "Disassemble memory region"
  8. Find line 'mov edx,[ebp-1c]'
  9. Right click this line and select "Toggle BreakPoint"
  10. Ok, you browser should hang/freeze right now , don't worry it's normal .
  11. Back to Garden World, Sell/buy an item. The game/browser will freeze
  12. Back to Cheat Engine, change the value of ECX to "00FFFFFF"
    (ECX is on the top right, registers section)
  13. Right click the line and select Toggle Breakpoint again
  14. Click Debug then select Run
  15. Viola !! The game will now unfreeze and you will have 17millions worth of coins.
  16. Sell/buy an item to save the game
Strictly Notes :
This Only Works on Flash Player 9
If you want to hack EXP , look my previous cheat

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