UNO Live - Coins Cheat

Saturday, January 23, 2010 by: puzzifier

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Firstly , Go to UNO Live

Requirement :

Steps :

  1. Go to UNO Live by clicking above links
  2. Make sure you already downloaded and install Charles Proxy
  3. Now , Open Charles
  4. Complete 1 game of UNO . Does not matter if you win or lost.
  5. Back to Charles, find this line ""
  6. Expand it and you will see alot of "server.jsp?gid=xxxxxx"
  7. Click on the first server.jsp?gid=xxxxxx"
  8. Then , click on the 'Request' tab on the right window and you should see "Object name="Scores"
  9. Take note ! If you don't see it, click on other "server.jsp?gid=xxxxxx" till you see the "Object name="Scores"
  10. Right click the "server.jsp?gid=xxxxxx" and select "Repeat Advanced"
  11. Write 50000 for Iterations and 5 for concurrency
  12. Viola !! You should get 70k coins Have fun gifting out Kisses, Reapers, Diamond Rings

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