Cafe World - Unlocking Free Gift

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Cafe World An awesome cheat founded by hanyarL You can gift a lucky fortune cookie even you are on level 1. Requirement :
  • Noob/Unuse/Other Account
  • Brain !!
Steps :
  1. First , you login your noob account ( so you can gift to your main account )
  2. Then , Go to Cafe World by clicking above links
  3. Click Free Gifts and choose any Gifts that you want too and Send it
  4. When the new page loaded, you click the tab address of your browser
  5. Go to the end of address ( press "End" on your keyboard for easier )
  6. Next , You will notice notice there's 3 numbers at the end of address.
  7. Example : (
  8. The 638 is the code of the gift
  9. Replace it to any of the codes on this picture ( click for bigger view ) --> Image hosting by
  10. For example, you want to gift the imposible quiche.
  11. Then replace the last 3 numbers to 604 and enter.
  12. Now you will notice that u able to send the quiche even you are not on the required level.
  13. On the Friend List pop up , Choose your main FB and send.
  14. Viola !! Login to your main FB and you will receive the gift.

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