Cafe World - Coins Cheat v2

Thursday, February 25, 2010 by: puzzifier

Coins Cheat is Back !

hurry! because it might patch anytime soon

Note : If this cheat not work , please clear your browser

Firstly, Go to Cafe World

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • Charles Web Proxy
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Brain !!

Steps :

  1. Open Charles Proxy
  2. Go to Cafe World by clicking above links
  3. Wait it till full load 
  4. Right click first gateway on "" (x is random digit )
  5. Then , choose "Breakpoint"
  6. Now , Click on your gift box and QUICKLY click "Serve"
  7. Your breakpoint tab will appear , expand/click it till you see gift id , tracking id and customers
  8. Edit the "Customer" value to 1000000 and then Click "Execute" Facebook Hacks, R2O Hacks , Purchase Structured Settlements ,Mesothelioma Lawyers
  9. The second breakpoint tab will appear 
  10. Go back to your "Tab Session" , and Disable/Uncheck the "Breakpoint" by right clicking the gateway that you do on Step 4
  11. Back to Breakpoint Tab , click "Execute"
  12. Wait for a few second
  13. Viola !! You should get 320000000 coins on your cafe
 puzzifier - have fun 

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