Cafe World - Spice Link and Exploit

Saturday, February 20, 2010 by: puzzifier

R2O Hacks

Spice Shelf ( click the link 4-5 times tably )

Click Here

Spice Large Jar (click the link 5 times tably )

click here

Spice Medium Jar ( click the link 5 times tably )

Click Here

Spice Small Jar (click the link 5 times tably )

Click here

Spice Jar Lid (click the link 15 times tably )

Click here

Requirement ( download tools in the Download section )
  • Seconday Account
  • Brain
  • Skill

Steps :
  1. First , you login your main account
  2. Then , Go to Cafe World
  3. Send post request for spices
  4. Go to your secondary account , send spice to your main account
  5. You can exploit it by clicking the send spice link and press back on your browser
  6. Keep repeating Step 5 till you satisfied

puzzifier - Have fun

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