Cafe World - Unlock All Dishes v2

Friday, February 19, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Cafe World

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section )

  • Browser (Firefox)
  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Brain


  1. Go Cafe World by clicking above links
  2. Open Cheat Engine, choose process firefox
  3. Tick 4bytes
  4. Scan your current EXP value
  5. Visit a friend and eat the dish of the day to earn EXP
  6. Next scan your new EXP value
  7. 1 address should returned
  8. Double click result and Copy the Address Below
  9. Now click "Add Address Manually", Paste the address and add "-34" at the end (example: 01AS22H8-34)
  10. The new address should be shown with the value of your current level
  11. Change the value to 64 and freeze it
  12. Now you can purchase all dishes.
  13. Make sure you save your game

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