Country Story - Latest Combo Tools ( 4 Feb )

Thursday, February 4, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly, Go to Country Story

Credit : Tigerzz

Requirement : you can download it at "Download section"

  • Browser ( FireFox / IE / Google Chrome / Flock )
  • CS Combo Tools ( DL1 ) ( DL2 )
  • Mouse Recorder ( Might be useful , Click Here)
  • Brain !!
  1. Enter into Country Story and Harvest and Water some plant
  2. Now open combo tools
  3. Select your browser ( IE/FireFox/Flock/Google Chrome) first
  4. Then select start
  5. If nothing happened, hit Patch
  6. If they're not clickable, repeat from step 1 again.
  7. Click the "Infinite Stamina" and "Unlimited Water" and "Combo Coins"
  8. Plant a new seed on the ground and start watering i
  9. You may now use the mouse recorder to repeat it

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