Crazies Tower Defense on Facebook

Thursday, February 18, 2010 by: puzzifier

This game is a Tower Defense genre game. Build Weapons and prevent the Crazies from attacking your building. I will be sharing Money, Gold and Level cheats.  


Requirements: you can download it at Download section :
  • Flash 10
  • Firefox
  • Cheat Engine 5.6
Steps for money cheat: [Working as at 18 Feb 2010]

  1. Click to play Crazies Tower Defense [click here to play]
  2. Open Cheat Engine (4bytes)
  3. Scan current amount of money. example: If you have 15 green notes, scan 15
  4. Earn or spend some of those green notes. 
  5. Next scan new amount of money.
  6. When 2 addresses left, double click both addresses and change the value to 999999
 Steps for Gold cheat:

  1. Scan current amount of Gold. example: If you have 300 gold, scan 300
  2. Earn or spend some of those gold. 
  3. Next scan new amount of gold.
  4. When 2 addresses left, double click both addresses and change the value to 999999
Steps for Level

  1. Scan current amount of EXP. example: If you have 100 EXP, scan 100
  2. Gain some EXP. 
  3. Next scan new amount of EXP.
  4. When 2 addresses left, double click both addresses and change the value to 999999
  5. FREEZE the address.
  6. Now you will keep leveling up. 
Have fun! 
Crazies Tower Defense on Facebook

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