Happy Pets - Coins Cheat

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to
Happy Pets

Requirement: you can download it at "Download section" :

  • Flash Player 10
  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Mouse Recorder
  • Browser ( FireFox /Flock )
  • Brain!!

Steps :

  1. Go to Happy Pets by clicking above links
  2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6
  3. Make sure you setting/tick this following ( Hex, Array of Bytes, Also Scan Read Only Memory)
  4. Touch/Rub your Pet in game several time
  5. Scan address "85C00F848B0000008B48088B49548945"
  6. 2 addresses should return
  7. Right click the 2nd address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  8. Now , Find line "test eax, eax" and change it to "test eax,ecx"
  9. Now click on your piggy bank or visit a friend and click on his piggy bank
  10. You will notice that the coins in the piggy bank will not disappear but your amount of coins keep increasing
  11. You can use a mouse recorder to automate the clicking
  12. Once you satisfied, shift out some furniture and wait for a while for the game to auto save.
  13. Just refresh the game and coins should still remain

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