Ninja Saga - 1 Hit KO Kunai

Saturday, January 30, 2010 by: puzzifier


Firstly, Go to Ninja Saga

Note :
DO NOT edit it too long or you will face " 100 Time Error"

Requirement :

Steps :

  1. Make sure you already downloaded and installed the Charles Proxy and Add-on
  2. Now , Open Charles
  3. Go to Ninja Saga by clicking above links
  4. Choose Your Character
  5. Make sure you are wearing/equiping the kunai ( just click gear ) , If not , just buy it at shop
  6. Now , Refresh the game
  7. At the Character selection Scree , DO NOT click Play yet
  8. Back to Charles , find URL ""
  9. Expand/Click it till you find (SystemData.get)
  10. Right click it and choose "Breakpoint"
  11. Back to Ninja Saga , click "Play"
  12. The breakpoint tab should pop-up over and over again
  13. Execute the breakpoints for 3 times
  14. For the 4th Breakpoint pop-up , click "Edit Response" and then "AMF"
  15. Expand/Click it until you guys found "weapon"
  16. On Wpn1 , you should see name , cost , damage and etc
  17. Change the value of damage any amount you want
  18. Click session 1 Tab and right click (systemData.get) and uncheck the "Breakpoint"
  19. Back to Breakpoint tabs , click Execute
  20. At game , click kage room ad choose any mission that you want ( for those who want gain chuunin rank , use this cheat , you can easily win )
  21. When you are facing enemy
  22. Just click Attack and the enemy should 1 Hit KO

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