Pet Society - 2 in 1 Mix Combo - Perfect EXP + Coins Cheat v2
Friday, February 26, 2010 by: puzzifierCredit : fREE2SW4U
Firstly , Go to Pet Society
Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):
- Cheat Engine 5.6
- Flash Player 10
- Brain !!
Steps :
- Go to Pet So Society by clicking above links
- Brush your pet
- Open Cheat Engine v5.6 and choose process FireFox
- Tick This following Cheat Engine v5.6 settings (Hex. Array of bytes. Also scan read only memory)
- Scan address "0F84D50200008B5DFC8B73088B8EEC"
- 1 address returned
- Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
- Right click the selected/highlighted code/line then select "Replace with code that does nothing"
- Back to Cheat Engine Menu , New Scan address "0F8F500500008B7DD08B873C020000"
- 1 address returned
- Repeat step 7 to 8
- Back to Cheat Engine Menu , New Scan address "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
- 1 address returned
- Repeat step 7 to 8
- Now your pet will "teleporting" , Take out your brush and brush your pet
EXP Steps :
- Now , we will do exp cheat
- New scan address "85C08975EC8B45FC8945E8BF"
- 1 address returned
- Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
- Find mov [ebp-18], eax , click once ( highlight ) and go to "Tools" and choose "Auto Assemble"
- At the top of the menu point "Template" → "Code injection" → "OK"
- Copy address mov [ebp-14], 7A120 and paste it after mov [ebp-18], eax ,
- Click "Execute" → "Yes" → "OK"
- Now , go buy any food
- Then , go to your home and brush your pet