Pet Society - 30$ Coins Tree Cheat

Friday, February 19, 2010 by: puzzifier

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Credit: fREE2SW4U

A New modification from previous hack "300$ tree coins cheat"
Please don't be so greedy , even 30$ is alot !

Firstly , Go to Pet Society

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section )

  • Cheat Engine 5. 6
  • Flash Player 10
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Mouse Recorder
  • Brain !!


  1. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
  2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6
  3. Make sure you do this setting/tick this following (Hex. 4 bytes , also scan read only memory)
  4. Go outside and click some tree to get some coins
  5. Now , Scan address "06DA820F"
  6. 1 address should returned
  7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  8. Find code "jb xxxxx" (xxxxx is random digit )
  9. Right click it and select "Replace with code that does nothing
  10. Now , back to main menu of cheat engine , follow this new setting (Hex. Array of bytes , also scan read only memory)
  11. New scan address "8B402485F60F849B020000"
  12. 1 address returned
  13. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  14. Find code "mov eax,[eax,+24]" and change it to "mov eax,90"
  15. Now , find code "mov [ebp-24],00000001" and change it to "mov [ebp-24],0000001e"
  16. Shake/click on a tree , you should get 30 coins
  17. Click "Add Coins" at the top left corner to enter bank ( so you can save it )
  18. Exit bank
  19. You can use mouse recorder to repeat step 16 to 18 till satisfied

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