Pet Society - Collect all 12 roses at Hidden Pet

Friday, February 5, 2010 by: puzzifier

Credit : Free2sw4u , 2010HackGames

Firstly , Go to Pet Society

Requirement:( you can download it at "Download section")
  • Cheat engine 5.6
  • Flash Player 10
  • Browser ( FireFox/Flock )
  • An Unuse/Primary Account
  • Brain !!
Steps :
  1. Open your other/noob/unuse Facebook account
  2. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
  3. Open Cheat Engine
  4. Make sure you do this following settings [8 bytes, Hex, ASROM(also-scan-read only memory)]
  5.  Scan "000026840FE44589"
  6. 1 address should returned. 
  7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  8. You will see the next line is "je XXXXX" (XXX is random digits)
  9. Right click this "je XXXXX" and select "Replace with code that does nothing
  10. Now enter any room and you will see Cupid-Hideeni.
  11. Click him , share and publish those roses
  12. Use your main account to claim those roses. 
  13. There are 12 of such roses so keep changing room and clicking on Hideeni to get all 12.

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