Restaurant City - Level Up Cheat

Saturday, February 27, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Restaurant City

Note : this is old hack and i found that it's not released on this site .

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Flash Player 10
  • Brain !!
Steps :

  1. Go to Restaurant City by clicking above links
  2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6 and choose FireFox as process
  3. Make sure you setting/tick this following ( Hex,  8 bytes , Also Scan Read-Only Memory )
  4. Scan address "FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2"
  5. 1 address returned
  6. Right click the  address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  7. Right click the selected/highlighted code/line then select "Change Register At This Location"
  8. A box will pop up , tick/check EAX and type 100000   into the box
  9. Back to Restaurant City , watch your level grow !

Note : Save and exit Restaurant City when you are finished with the hack. 
If you close Cheat Engine first FireFox will crash.


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