Monday, February 1, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to SPP! Ranch

Requirement :you can download it at "Download section"

  • Charles 3.4.1   (Don't Ever Update it to V3.5 )
  • Charles Add-On ( Click Here )
  • Browser ( FireFox )

Steps :
  1. Make sure you already downloaded and installed the Charles Proxy and Charles Add-On
  2. Now , Go to SPP! Ranch by clicking above link
  3. Pick up some garbage/trash/rubbish
  4. Back to Charles Proxy
  5. Find and Expand the "" 
  6. Expand/Click it till you found "amfapi/" > ranch
  7. Find line "bulk_dispatch_actions()" and Right click it and select "Repeat Advance"
  8. Write 100000 for Iteration and 5 for Concurrency 
  9. Then , click ok
  10. Wait 5 to 10 min then refresh the game. 
  11. Your EXP and money value were changed !

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