Country Story - Tree Coins Cheat

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 by: puzzifier

Credit:dfspeter@ Cheats09-10

Firstly, Go to Country Story

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • Cheat Engine 5.5 or 5.6
  • Flash Player  10
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Brain !!

Steps :

  1. Go to Country Story by clicking above links
  2. Now , Harvest your crops
  3. Open Cheat Engine and select firefox as process
  4. Make sure the setting/tick is  ( Hex , 8 bytes , Also scan read only memory)
  5. Scan address 000000e98120538b
  6. 1 address returned
  7. Right click the address and select "Disassemble memory region"
  8. Scroll up and find code/line "push xxxxxxxx"
  9. Right click the code/line and select "Go to address"
  10. Now , copy the address and paste it to generator below
  11. On the generator , click "Generar"
  12. A Box will appear with the code , "Select All" and copy the code 
  13. Back to Cheat Engine ( Memory Viewer ) , Click "Tools" and select "Auto Assemble"
  14. Paste (CTRL +V ) it there
  15. Back to Country Story , click a tree and you will gain coins 
  16. The coins are increasing , but you not able to see them , to make them appear click "Decorate your farm" and select "Decorate your house" and choose any color and click "OK" 

Puzzifier -- Go Fuck Yourself

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