Pet Society - Ultimate Sticker Cheat

Friday, March 12, 2010 by: puzzifier

Credit :nofil2000

Firstly , Go to Pet Society

Requirement: [you can download it at Download section ]:

  • Fiddler
  • Browser ( FireFox/Flock )
  • Flash Player 10
  • Nofil2000 Sticker Generator: [DL1] - [DL2]
  • Brain !!
  • Steps :

    1. Make sure you already downloaded and extract the Nofil2000 generator
    2. It contains a file called nofil2000.html
    3. Open your FireFox/Flock and open two tabs  ( the first one load nofil2000.html and in the second load facebook home page that you have logged in )
    4. Now, Open fiddler
    5. Open another tab in your browser and go to this link ""
    6. Error page will appear , you notice that  the URL will show up in your fiddler
    7. Right click the URL in Fiddler, select "Copy" and then "Just URL"
    8. Go to "Autoresponder" in Fiddler and select "Add"
    9. Click on the arrow button beside the Save and select "Find A File"
    10. Browse to the nofil2000 folder and select crossdomain.xml
    11. Click "Save"
    12. Go to group that created by nofil2000 [ ]
    13. You will see people pasting their tokens ID. Copy those tokens  and paste it in the box under collect stickers or use the token you just generated
    14. After pasting all the tokens, click "Get ID" and wait till your FB id appears.
    15. Click "Get Stickers" and wait for all the stickers to be generated. 
    16. All you have to do now  is go to Pet Society and you should have new stickers!  

    Puzzifier -- Go Fuck Yourself

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