Restaurant City - Coins Cheat Working May-4-2010

Monday, May 3, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Restaurant City

  • Fiddler2
  • Chrome / IE / Firefox
  • Restaurant.bin [ Download Link ]


  1. Download the from the link above.
  2. Go into Restaurant City
  3. Open Fiddler and go to the Autoresponder tab.
  4. Tick both Enable automatic and Permit passthrough..
  5. Drag the restaurant.bin into the autoresponder window and you will see a new line “REGEX:(?insx).*restaurant.bin$” appearing.
  6. Clear BROWSER cache, and reload restaurant city.
  7. Click on ‘Add Coins’ You should see the blue coin > yellow coins conversion.
  8. Click on it and you will see the image at the top of this post where 1 blue coin = 550,000 yellow coins.
  9. Click on the Green Tick.
  10. Blue coins will NOT be deducted but you will get your 550,000 coins.
  11. Savable and refreshable.
  12. Have fun.

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