Bola - Million of Coins cheat

Sunday, June 6, 2010 by: puzzifier

Credits: PWNTHIS for english version. Special thanks to Yagami@fullelectronica for spanish version

Soccer fever is heating up with the upcoming world cup 2010! Join in the fun with this cheat that makes you a Millionaire easily. Build up your soccer empire now!

Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):

  • Fiddler2
  • Edited Database (download required file links at the top of this post. Choose from any of the 3)
  • Firefox/Chrome/IE

  1. Read the Fiddler tutorial first if it's your first time [Fiddler Tutorial]
  2. Download the required stadiumcatalogue_en.xml from the links above.
  3. Drag it into your Autoresponder in Fiddler2.
  4. Clear Browser Cache first! Important!
  5. Enter Bola [ click to play ]    
  6. Check fiddler and make sure it is replaced correctly. It will be highlighted if replaced.
  7. Go to your stadium and click on the lower left corner section of the stadium
  8. Purchase the Plank which costs only 5000 coins. 
  9. You should notice that it has a capacity of 5000000. 
  10. Immediately, you will level up to 92. However this will not save. Only the money saves.
  11. Click Play > Social Match and play with any friend or stranger around the world. 
  12. Complete the match and you will see that you have just earned 100 millions ++ 
  13. Just do it once would be sufficient. 100million takes forever to spend!
  14. All Items are UNLOCKED! 

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