Pet Society -- 3.2.30 999_Flowers_Topiary

Monday, July 26, 2010 by: puzzifier

Download required files [ sharecash | upload| megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • download required files above
  • fiddler2
  • chrome/firefox

Credits: PScheats

  1. Download Database from the links above.
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopmystery. The rule editor are as required



  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just visit the MysteryShop and you will be able to purchase the 999 worth items, cash seed flowers and Topiary items.
  5. For coin cheat, just buy the pink elegant throne at 150 coins and sell at 999. Still working great.  
For people who cannot download thru sharecash and megaupload and complaining that you cannot download thru, you have to open your eyes bigger. Wait for the timer to countdown then click on "Click to Download" as shown in the screenshot.

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