My City Life - Ultimate Cheat

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 by: puzzifier

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Firstly , Go to My City Life

this cheat is same as Sky City Cheat and Farm Country because it on same developer

This Cheat able you to change/add value/price of an items or more .

Notes : below is just example , you can hack others too like building , decoration , terrain and etc

Requirement :


  1. Make sure you already downloaded Charles Proxy
  2. Now , Open Charles Proxy
  3. Go to Sky City by clicking above links
  4. In Charles, you will see this URL ""
  5. Expand it till you find "definition and click it again after that
  6. Now , you will see the list of building , terrain , decoration and etc
  7. Right click "Decoratio" or "Terrain" and select "Breakpoints"
  8. Refresh the Game right now ( F5 )
  9. Back to Charles Proxy , the breakpoints tab should come out , so click execute
  10. Second breakpoints should come out , click "Edit Response" and then HTML tab ( below )
  11. Now , only left value that need to be changed , change the value of " sell" , "plantxp" and etc
  12. This is "Sky City" image , just follow same steps/value on this game
  13. See below image and follow it . I edited the one i "red dot" it ( click for bigger view ) This Image hosting by
  14. Done editing it , DON'T Click YET EXECUTE , click tab session 1 and Right click "building" and select "Breakpoints" to OFF it back
  15. Back to "Breakpoints" Tabs , click EXECUTE
  16. Now , on game , just buy the items that you just edited .
  17. Try sell it , you will get billions of coins

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