Islander Beta - Coins + EXP Cheat v2

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 by: puzzifier

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Requirement :
Steps :

  1. Make sure you already downloaded Charles Proxy and the Add-On
  2. Now , Open Charles Proxy
  3. Go to Islander Beta by clicking above links
  4. In Charles, look out for the URL ""
  5. Expand/Click it > Expand/Click islander-beta1/ > Expand/Click php/
  6. You should see this line "update_userinfo.php"
  7. If you don't see it, make sure you harvest a plant or collect coconuts
  8. Right click it and select Edit
  9. Click "Form" and change the Experience and islandCoins to 999999
  10. Click "Execute"
  11. Viola !! now , you refresh game and the exp and coins are saved

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