Pet Society - Ultimate Coins Cheat (F9 Users )

Saturday, January 30, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Pet Society

Requirement ( all tools can be downloaded at "Useful Download") :

  • Cheat engine 5.5
  • Flash Player 9 ( whether you download it alone or use flash switcher )
  • Browser ( FireFox/Flock )
  • Fast Clicker
  • Brain !!

Steps :
  1. Go to Pet's Society by clicking above link (click to play)
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Make sure you tick/check this following settings on Cheat Engine (Hex, Array of bytes ,ASROM)
  4. Back to Pet Societyclick on the trees outside your house (you should get coins).
  5. Scan "8B78088B8FFC0200008945D8C745DC"
  6. 1 address should returned. ( if you get more than 1 , mean you are not using Flash Player 9 )
  7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  8. Scroll up a few lines and you should see the code "jne XXXXXX" (X is random digits)
  9. Now Right click the selected address/line and select "Replace with code that does nothing
  10. On Cheat Engine , change the settings to (Hex, 4 bytes, ASROM)
  11. New Scan "06AB820F"
  12. 1 address should returned.
  13. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  14. Now Right click the selected address/line and select "Replace with code that does nothing
  15. On Cheat Engine , change the settings to (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM)
  16. New scan "8B 40 24 85 F6 0F 84 5E 02 00 00 8B 4E 08 8B"
  17. 1 address returned.
  18. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  19. Find line "mov eax,[eax,+24]" and change it to "mov eax,90"
  20. New scan "C7 45 DC 01 00 00 00 89 45 E0 8D 45 D8 50 6A"
  21. 4 addresses may return.
  22. Right click the bottom address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  23. Find line "[ebp-24],00000001" and change it to "mov [ebp-24],000001f4"
  24. Enter your house. ( ok , from now on , memories this below steps because we want to prevent Mayor)
  25. Exit your house and click the trees. You will get A lot of coins per tree.
  26. Immediately click on 'Add Coins'. Click 'Leave Shop' and click on the tree again.
  27. Repeat step 26 till you have millions of coins? Click Tree, Immediately Click Add Coins at the top and repeat.

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