Sky City - Cash Cheat

Saturday, January 30, 2010 by: puzzifier

This cheat works too on My City Life and Farm Country

Firstly , Go to Sky City

Requirement :

Steps :
  1. Make sure you already downloaded Charles Proxy
  2. Now , Open Charles Proxy
  3. Go to Sky City by clicking above links
  4. In Charles, you will see this URL ""
  5. Expand/click "skycity_en\ajax\"
  6. Right click "ajax and select "Breakpoints"
  7. Refresh the Game right now ( F5 )
  8. Back to Charles Proxy , the breakpoints tab should come out , so click execute
  9. Click Execute 4 times. You should now be able to edit the response of "user.php"
  10. Click "Edit Response"
  11. Click "Raw"
  12. Change the credit value to 88888.
  13. Click back on the Structure tab and right click the "ajax and select "Breakpoints" again
  14. Click back on the"Breakpoints" tab and click Execute until all the breakpoints are gone.
  15. Viola !! The game are loading and You should have 88888 credits.
  16. Go shopping them now as it will be gone when you refresh

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