Restaurant City - Nameless's Bot

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 by: puzzifier

No need Cheat Engine require , just a brain !

Instruction inside the bot :
  • Click 30/save when it is activated , everytime you save the game you will earn 30 coins . The coins will be added and can be seen upon refresh

Requirement ( all tools can be downloaded at "Useful Download" :

  • Nameless Bot ( Download Here )
  • Flash Player 9 or 10
  • Browser (Firefox/Flock/G.Chrome/IE)
  • Mouse Recorder ( go to "Useful Download" )
  • Brain !!


  1. Make sure you already downloaded the Nameless Bot
  2. Go to Restaurant City by clicking above liks (lock up your restaurant by putting a chair at the door)
  3. Open the Bot and select your Flash version and Browser then click 30/save
  4. Wait for a pop-up saying "Cheat Activated"
  5. Back to Restaurant City, click "Decorate"
  6. Shift/move a furniture
  7. Click the Green Tick to save the game
  8. You can keep repeating the it from steps 5 to7 until you satisfied
  9. You will get 30coins each time you doing so
  10. Set the mouse recorder to automate the steps
  11. Go AFK/sleep right now , and wake up tomorrow , don't be shocked if you earned too much

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