Country Story - Automation Tool

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 by: puzzifier

Requirement : [you can download it at "Download section"]
  • Browser ( FireFox / IE / Google Chrome / Flock )
  • CS Combo Tools ( DL1 ) ( DL2 )
  • Mouse Recorder ( Might be useful , Click Here)
  • Brain !!

  1. Open CS tool
  2. Play Country Story
  3. Water a plant, harvest a plant, plow a ground
  4. Now select language [Choose from Mandarin, English or Spanish] and Browser in the CStool, click Scan then click Low-scan
  5. Depending on your CPU, the scanning should be done in a couple of minutes and the 3 buttons are now clickable. If they're not clickable, repeat from step1 again.
  6. Click "Infinite Stamina" and "Unlimited Water" and Water+Coins cheat"
  7. Plant a new seed on the ground and start watering it
  8. You may now use the mouse recorder to repeat it

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