Ninja Saga - The Level 10 Weapon Cheat

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 by: puzzifier

Credit : marxtianz

Note : Only level 10 and above can use it without any error . If you have a weapon better than the Kotetsu, this cheat is not for you.

Firstly, Go to Ninja Saga

Requirement : [you can download it at Download section ]:

  • Charles Proxy 3.5
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Flash Player 10
  • Brain !!

  1. Make sure you already downloaded and installed Charles Proxy
  2. Now , Open Charles Proxy
  3. Go to Ninja Saga by clicking above links
  4. Then , Enter "Shop"
  5. Back to Charles, search for this line ""
  6. Expand it ( by clicking it ) and you will see line "amf/"
  7. Right click "amf" and select "Breakpoints"
  8. Back to Ninja Saga, buy a Kunai ( the level 1 weapon)
  9. The game will freeze ( it a normal ) and a "Breakpoint" tab will appear in Charles Proxy
  10. Click the "Breakpoint" tab and select click "Edit Request" and choose "AMF"
  11. Now , you will see the value "wpn1"
  12. Change it to "wpn111"
  13. Click "Execute" twice
  14. Go back to the Session tab, right click "AMF" and select "Breakpoints" to DISABLE the breakpoint
  15. Refresh your Ninja Saga , you will notice that you gain the Kotetsu weapon : Dmg 83

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