Hotel City - Coins Cheat

Saturday, March 20, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Hotel City

Requirement: [you can download it at Download section ]:

  • Fiddler 2
  • Flash Player 10
  • Browser ( Internet Explorer/ Google Chrome ) 
  • Hotel.xml ( Download Here )
  • Brain !!

Steps :

  1. Make sure you already downloaded and installed Fiddler 2
  2. Now , Open Fiddler 2
  3. Go to Hotel City by clicking above links
  4. A lot of URL will appear , Find URL "/game/hotel/res/XX/hotel.xml"
  5. Then , Right click this line , select "Copy" and choose "Just URL"
  6. Click on the "AutoResponder" tab in the right window
  7. Make sure "Enable automatic responses" and "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests" are ticked
  8. Then , Click on the "Add" button
  9. Click on the arrow button beside the "Save" button ( box )
  10. Select "Find a file" and browse to the Hotel.xml that you just downloaded
  11. Click on the "Save" button
  12. Now , Clear your browser cache and refresh Hotel City
  13. You should patient to wait till your level up
  14. You will get "$300000000" coins. You have to wait till you level up to see the coins!


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