Pet Society Easter Eggs Coins Cheat by Patiniox

Monday, March 29, 2010 by: puzzifier

Pet society

Firstly , Go to Pet Society

Requirements: [you can download it at Download section ]:

  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Flash Player 10
  • Brain !!

  1. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
  2. Go out of your house and choose Visit Friends, Bump a tree and go back home
  3. Open Cheat Engine 5.6 and select firefox as process
  4. Make sure you do this setting/tick this following (Hex. 8 bytes , also scan read only memory)
  5. Scan address "45C7D8758958498B"
  6. 1 address returned
  7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  8. Right click again choose “Go to address” and copy then paste the address in the generator below.
  9. New scan address "7589C87D89684A8B"
  10. 1 address returned
  11. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  12. Right click again choose “Go to address” and copy then paste the address in the generator.
  13. New scan address "85000000E4808BFC"
  14. 1 address returned
  15. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  16. Right click again choose “Go to address” and copy then paste the last address in the generator.
  17. Now click 1st generate on the code generator copy all the code go back to cheat engine right click the result and then "Disassemble this memory region"
  18. Then choose Tools > Auto assemble copy all the code and click execute.
  19. Go out and bump trees and it will rain Easter eggs.
  20. Click next generate and copy the code, on cheat engine front page down under “frozen, description etc” just paste the code there.
  21. You will have 2 options tick and untick. Each option has different function. Try it out.
  22. You will gain eggs every time u go near the tree!!
Note : Make sure you click " Add Coins" every 5 to 10 seconds eggs that you gain , so you can save it and to prevent mayor from pop-up. If the first generator doesn't work try the second one.

1st Generator:


2nd Generator:

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