Restaurant City - Latest RC Tools v1.24

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 by: puzzifier

Credit : Piaip
  • Support RC 0.9.188a (20100331)
  • MD5 (piaipRCHack_v1.24.exe) = 9b1945426ea35700e3ddf0c72263b831
Firstly , Go to Restaurant City


  • Brain!!!
  • Browser ( Google Chrome/FireFox/Flock/IE)

  • PiaipRCHack v1.24 ( Download )


  1. Go into restaurant city
  2. Select the functions you want in the rc tool
  3. Select browser and click patch.
  4. Now , just tick the cheat that you want 
  5. Your RC is now patched. Have fun kicking this game !!

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