Restaurant City - Coins Cheat Tested 04-30

Thursday, April 29, 2010 by: puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Restaurant City

  • Brain!!!
  • Browser ( Google Chrome/FireFox/Flock/IE)
  • Restaurant.bin ( Download )

  1. Download the restaurant.bin from the link above
  2. Go into Restaurant City
  3. Buy a lot of White Flooring
  4. Open Fiddler and go to the Autoresponder tab.
  5. Tick both Enable automatic.. and Permit passthrough..
  6. Drag the restaurant.bin into the autoresponder window and you will see a new line "REGEX:(?insx).*restaurant\.bin$" appearing.
  7. Clear BROWSER cache, and reload restaurant city.
  8. You will now see that White flooring cost 500,000coins. Sell them all!
  9. Savable and refreshable. Have fun.

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