Pet Society Bonsai Pots & All Clothes Cheats
Saturday, May 1, 2010 by: puzzifierRequirement:[you can download it at Download section ]:
- Fiddler
- Browser ( Internet Explorer/G.Chrome )
- Bonsai Shop DataBase ( DL1 )
- All Clothes DataBase ( DL1 ) li>Main account and Secondary Account
- Log into your Secondary Account.
- Open Fiddler
- Go into Pet Society. Once loaded, look for this line in Fiddler:
- Right click them > Copy URL and go to Autoresponder and click ‘Add’. Or you can use the regular expression. regex:(?insx)^*/database.dat$
- Now replace the database.dat with the Database.dat that you just downloaded. Click SAVE. (Click on the drop down arrow button beside the ‘Save’. Select ‘Go To File’ and browse to the place where you downloaded the file to.)
- Look for this line in Fiddler:
- Right click it > Copy URL and go to Autoresponder and click ‘Add’. Or you can use the regular expression. regex:(?insx)^*/shops/shopMystery.*.dat$
- Now replace the database.dat with the ShopMystery.dat that you just downloaded. Click SAVE. (Click on the drop down arrow button beside the ‘Save’. Select ‘Go To File’ and browse to the place where you downloaded the file to.)
- Clear cache for your browser.
- Clear cache for your browser! I cannot emphasize this enough. Go into Pet Society.
- Go into Mystery Shop and you should see the items. Click on them and you should see them costing only 50 NORMAL coins. Click SEND AS GIFT! IMPORTANT!
- Once done, Close fidder, clear cache log in your Main/primary account and you will see the Presents shown as Cheap MYSTERY BOX.
- Open them and the items appear. Have fun.
Note: The Bonsai Pots will appear as a Blue Mystery Box. Only after Disabling Fiddler, you will be able to see the pots. The Pots will NOT have any trees in them :p You are just buying the pot.