Saturday, February 27, 2010 by puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Tower Bricks

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Flash Player 10
  • Brain !!
Steps :

  1. Go to Tower bricks by clicking above links
  2. Start tower bricks
  3. Open Cheat Engine 5.6 and choose FireFox as process
  4. Make sure you setting/tick this following ( Hex,  8 bytes , Also Scan Read-Only Memory )
  5. Scan address "08E9000000C8808B"
  6. 1 address returned
  7. Right click the  address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  8. Right click the selected/highlighted code/line then select "Replace with code that does nothing "
  9. back to your game and you will see your amazing score!

Note : if you dont get any address. try to drop 1 box on the game and scan it again  


by puzzifier

Firstly , Go to Restaurant City

Note : this is old hack and i found that it's not released on this site .

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Flash Player 10
  • Brain !!
Steps :

  1. Go to Restaurant City by clicking above links
  2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6 and choose FireFox as process
  3. Make sure you setting/tick this following ( Hex,  8 bytes , Also Scan Read-Only Memory )
  4. Scan address "FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2"
  5. 1 address returned
  6. Right click the  address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  7. Right click the selected/highlighted code/line then select "Change Register At This Location"
  8. A box will pop up , tick/check EAX and type 100000   into the box
  9. Back to Restaurant City , watch your level grow !

Note : Save and exit Restaurant City when you are finished with the hack. 
If you close Cheat Engine first FireFox will crash.


by puzzifier

Note: This cheat is only temporary. Change your petling's color to any color and take a screen shot to show it off to your friends. You can have a multi-colored petling! Be one of the first to change your Petling's color before the potion to change colors is out in stores.

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • cheat engine
  • flash 
  • firefox

  1. Go into Pet Society [Pet Society]
  2. Open cheat engine and select browser as process
  3. Settings [tick HEX, Also scan read only, 4 bytes]
  4. Scan the following values depending on your Petling colors:

    1° HEX: 564e4a
    2° HEX: 3a3532

    1° HEX: B4C0C1
    2° HEX: 94A1A4


    1° HEX: 69ADFF
    2° HEX: 3F81D1


    1° HEX:
    2° HEX: EDE6D9


    1° HEX: 965E37
    2° HEX: 6D4228


    1° HEX: F9E5BB
    2° HEX: E2CC9A
    3° HEX: C1A772

  5. So according to your Petling color, Scan the 1st HEX.
  6. 2 addresses will return. Double click on the 2nd address.
  7. It will be shown in the Address List [the bottom panel of cheat engine]
  8. New scan the 2nd HEX.
  9. 2 addresses will return. Double click on the 2nd address.
  10. It will be shown in the Address List [the bottom panel of cheat engine]
  11. Now go to this site for the color list: Color Codes
  12. Select the color you want and copy out the code without the '#'
  13. Now back to your cheat engine, and change the values in the Address List
  14. Once you have changed the value to the color you want, just change rooms and the new color will be reflected. Keep your screenshot now to show your dual-colored pets. Remember, the color will not be saved.


Friday, February 26, 2010 by puzzifier

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • flash 10
  • cheat engine

  1. Go into Happy Pets [Happy Pets]
  2. Earn some coins.
  3. Open cheat engine and select browser as process (hex, also scan read only mem, array of bytes)
  4. Scan "85C00F848B0000008B48088B49548945"
  5. 2 address should return. If only 1 return, you did not do step 2.
  6. Right click bottom address and Disassemble
  7. You will see 'test eax, eax'
  8. Change it to 'test eax,ecx '
  9. Now click on the laser pointer and point it on your pet. Watch as the exp and coins start increasing.

  10. Puzzifier -- have fun

by puzzifier

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • cheat engine 5.6
  • Mouse recorder
  • Flash 9. I tried on flash 9, not sure if it works on 10.
  • Firefox

  1. firstly Go to country story [Country story]
  2. Plant a seed. Water it.
  3. Open cheat engine (hex, also scan read-only mem, 8bytes)
  4. Scan "F28B000000A48889"
  5. 1 address returned. Right click > disassemble.
  6. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  7. New scan "00000004B8144389"
  8. 2 addresses returned. Right click bottom address > Disassemble
  9. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  10. New scan "DC5D89784F8BC103"
  11. 1 address returned. Right click > disassemble.
  12. Change "add eax,ecx" to "add ecx,ecx"
  13. New scan "108B08458B204289"
  14. 1 address returned. Right click > disassemble.
  15. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  16. Now plant a new seed and water it. Use mouse recorder to spam the clicks.

    Note: Although the exp number is increasing, sadly, you still only get 3 exp per click.


by puzzifier
What's inside the Mystery Box? There's only way to find out!

Just Click This Picture Below

Image hosting by

by puzzifier
Credit : fREE2SW4U

Firstly , Go to Pet Society

Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Flash Player 10
  • Brain !!

Steps :

  1. Go to Pet So Society by clicking above links
  2. Brush your pet

  3. Open Cheat Engine v5.6 and choose process FireFox
  4. Tick This following Cheat Engine v5.6 settings (Hex. Array of bytes. Also scan read only memory)
  5. Scan address "0F84D50200008B5DFC8B73088B8EEC"
  6. 1 address returned
  7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  8. Right click the selected/highlighted code/line then select "Replace with code that does nothing"
  9. Back to Cheat Engine Menu , New Scan address "0F8F500500008B7DD08B873C020000"
  10. 1 address returned
  11. Repeat step 7 to 8
  12. Back to Cheat Engine Menu , New Scan address "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
  13. 1 address returned
  14. Repeat step 7 to 8
  15. Now your pet will "teleporting" , Take out your brush and brush your pet

EXP Steps :

  1. Now , we will do exp cheat
  2. New scan address "85C08975EC8B45FC8945E8BF"

  3. 1 address returned
  4. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  5. Find mov [ebp-18], eax , click once ( highlight ) and go to "Tools" and choose "Auto Assemble"
  6. At the top of the menu point "Template" → "Code injection" → "OK"
  7. Copy address mov [ebp-14], 7A120 and paste it after mov [ebp-18], eax ,
  8. Click "Execute" → "Yes" → "OK"
  9. Now , go buy any food
  10. Then , go to your home and brush your pet

    by puzzifier

    Firstly , Go to Pet Society

    Note : Only For Flash Player 9

    Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

    • Cheat Engine 5.6
    • Flash Player9
    • Brain !!


    1. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
    2. Go to Stadium and bet someone ( DO NOT START YET )
    3. Open Cheat Engine 5.6 and select firefox as process
    4. Make sure you do this setting/tick this following (Hex. 8 bytes , also scan read only memory)  
    5. Scan address  "5D8B000006C1840F"
    6. 1 address should returned
    7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
    8. Right click the selected/highlighted code ( je xxxxx ) then select "Replace with code that does nothing"
    9. Scroll down a bit till you see code "jne xxxx" ( xxxxx is random digit )
    10.  Right click the code ( jne xxxxx ) then select "Replace with code that does nothing"
    11. Scroll down till you see code "jmp xxxxx" ( xxxxx is random digit )
    12. Right click the code ( jmp xxxxx ) then select "Replace with code that does nothing"
    13. Back to Pet Society , Click "Start" 
    14. Watch the race till the end 
    15. You will gain alot money , even though you lose or win
    Note : If you can't save it manually , you can save it by clicking "Add Coins" at the top left corner to enter bank 
    If you lost or unclear , watch video below

    Video Tutorial


    by puzzifier
    Thursday, February 25, 2010 by puzzifier

    Note: You can see all the items, but only purchase these 3 items will not result in mayor

    Requirement:: (you can download it at Download section ):


    Important, Read: Please remember, only the mysterybox items can be purchased. Other items are only for you to look at! Purchasing any items other than the 3 items in the image above will result in mayor!

    1. Open Fiddler 
    2. Click 'Clear cache' if this is not your first time using Fiddler. Try to clear your browser cache too.
    3. Go into Pet Society using IE or CHROME

    4. In Fiddler, search for this line '/game/pets/swf/X.X.X/shops/shopLuxuryXXXX.dat  (the X are digits that changes every update)
    5. Right click this line, copy > just url
    6. Go to Autoresponder
    7. Click Add
    8. The url that you copied will appear.
    9. Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the Save button
    10. Select 'Find a File' and browse for the database that you've just downloaded from me

    11. Click Save
    12. Click Clear Cache and refresh your Pet Society
    13. Enter the Luxury Shop and you should see all the latest 28feb Items. Have fun!
    by puzzifier

    Coins Cheat is Back !

    hurry! because it might patch anytime soon

    Note : If this cheat not work , please clear your browser

    Firstly, Go to Cafe World

    Requirement: (you can download it at Download section ):

    • Charles Web Proxy
    • Browser ( FireFox )
    • Brain !!

    Steps :

    1. Open Charles Proxy
    2. Go to Cafe World by clicking above links
    3. Wait it till full load 
    4. Right click first gateway on "" (x is random digit )
    5. Then , choose "Breakpoint"
    6. Now , Click on your gift box and QUICKLY click "Serve"
    7. Your breakpoint tab will appear , expand/click it till you see gift id , tracking id and customers
    8. Edit the "Customer" value to 1000000 and then Click "Execute" Facebook Hacks, R2O Hacks , Purchase Structured Settlements ,Mesothelioma Lawyers
    9. The second breakpoint tab will appear 
    10. Go back to your "Tab Session" , and Disable/Uncheck the "Breakpoint" by right clicking the gateway that you do on Step 4
    11. Back to Breakpoint Tab , click "Execute"
    12. Wait for a few second
    13. Viola !! You should get 320000000 coins on your cafe
     puzzifier - have fun 
    Wednesday, February 24, 2010 by puzzifier

    Just Click This Picture Below ,

    Saturday, February 20, 2010 by puzzifier
    R2O Hacks

    Spice Shelf ( click the link 4-5 times tably )

    Click Here

    Spice Large Jar (click the link 5 times tably )

    click here

    Spice Medium Jar ( click the link 5 times tably )

    Click Here

    Spice Small Jar (click the link 5 times tably )

    Click here

    Spice Jar Lid (click the link 15 times tably )

    Click here

    Requirement ( download tools in the Download section )
    • Seconday Account
    • Brain
    • Skill

    Steps :
    1. First , you login your main account
    2. Then , Go to Cafe World
    3. Send post request for spices
    4. Go to your secondary account , send spice to your main account
    5. You can exploit it by clicking the send spice link and press back on your browser
    6. Keep repeating Step 5 till you satisfied

    puzzifier - Have fun

    by puzzifier
    Sponsored by

    Only Works on FP 9 or you dont get address

    Firstly , Go to Pet Society

    Requirement ( download tools in the Download section ) :

    • Cheat Engine 5. 6
    • Flash Player 9
    • Browser ( FireFox )
    • Mouse Recorder
    • Brain !!


      1. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
      2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6
      3. Make sure you do this setting/tick this following (Hex. Array of bytes , also scan read only memory)
      4. Scan address "C7 44 24 FC 00 00 00 00 89 74 24 F8 DF 6C 24 F8 DD 5C 24 F8 F2 0F 10 44 24 F8 F2 0F 2A CA"
      5. 1 address should returned
      6. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
      7. Now , find code "mov [esp-24],00000001" and change it to "mov [esp-24],0000000f"
      8. Scan address "0F 84 D5 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B"
      9. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
      10. Right click the selected/highlighted code then select "Replace with code that does nothing"
      11. Viola !! You should gain coins through brushing your pet , it works too if you brush on your friends !

      Now , you only need to use mouse recorder to automate the steps above

      puzzifier - Have fun

        by puzzifier

        If the mayor keeps appearing, try going to Tools>Internet Options>Delete>Delete All.  Basically clear everything in your browser. If you have to, try uninstalling your browser and reinstall it. It should work.

        The mayor appears for me too, but as long as I clear everything in the history, cookies, cache, it will load normally. 

        Requirements: (download tools in the download section):


        1. Open Fiddler 
        2. Click 'Clear cache' if this is not your first time using Fiddler. Try to clear your browser cache too.

        3. Go into Pet Society using IE or CHROME

        4. In Fiddler, search for this line '/game/pets/swf/X.X.X/shops/shopLuxuryXXXX.dat  (the X are digits that changes every update)
        5. Right click this line, copy > just url
        6. Go to Autoresponder
        7. Click Add
        8. The url that you copied will appear.
        9. Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the Save button
        10. Select 'Find a File' and browse for the database that you've just downloaded from me
        11. Click Save
        12. Click Clear Cache and refresh your Pet Society
        13. Enter the Luxury Shop and you should see the Coyote Petling.

          Have fun!

        Friday, February 19, 2010 by puzzifier

        Firstly , Go to Cafe World

        Requirement: (you can download it at Download section )

        • Browser (Firefox)
        • Cheat Engine 5.6
        • Brain


        1. Go Cafe World by clicking above links
        2. Open Cheat Engine, choose process firefox
        3. Tick 4bytes
        4. Scan your current EXP value
        5. Visit a friend and eat the dish of the day to earn EXP
        6. Next scan your new EXP value
        7. 1 address should returned
        8. Double click result and Copy the Address Below
        9. Now click "Add Address Manually", Paste the address and add "-34" at the end (example: 01AS22H8-34)
        10. The new address should be shown with the value of your current level
        11. Change the value to 64 and freeze it
        12. Now you can purchase all dishes.
        13. Make sure you save your game

        by puzzifier

        2 in 1 Bot :D

        Firstly , Go to A-Z or Z-A

        Requirement: (you can download it at Download section )
        • Browser ( IE/FireFox/Flock/G.Chrome
        • PainHacker's AZZA Bot ( DL1 ) ( DL2 )
        • Brain !!
        Steps :

        1. First , Go to A-Z or Z-A
        2. Open the Bot that you downloaded from me
        3. Click Game that you playing ( A-Z ) or ( Z-A )
        4. Make sure you are in "standby mode"
        5. Press F3 on your keyboard
        6. The Bot will automatically write for you .
        Enjoy getting 1% Rank !

        Result :

        by puzzifier
        You need to be Fan of Restaurant City before you can get this free  chocolate !

        Just Click This Picture Below ,

        Image hosting by

        by puzzifier
        Sponsored by
        Credit: fREE2SW4U

        A New modification from previous hack "300$ tree coins cheat"
        Please don't be so greedy , even 30$ is alot !

        Firstly , Go to Pet Society

        Requirement: (you can download it at Download section )

        • Cheat Engine 5. 6
        • Flash Player 10
        • Browser ( FireFox )
        • Mouse Recorder
        • Brain !!


        1. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
        2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6
        3. Make sure you do this setting/tick this following (Hex. 4 bytes , also scan read only memory)
        4. Go outside and click some tree to get some coins
        5. Now , Scan address "06DA820F"
        6. 1 address should returned
        7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
        8. Find code "jb xxxxx" (xxxxx is random digit )
        9. Right click it and select "Replace with code that does nothing
        10. Now , back to main menu of cheat engine , follow this new setting (Hex. Array of bytes , also scan read only memory)
        11. New scan address "8B402485F60F849B020000"
        12. 1 address returned
        13. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
        14. Find code "mov eax,[eax,+24]" and change it to "mov eax,90"
        15. Now , find code "mov [ebp-24],00000001" and change it to "mov [ebp-24],0000001e"
        16. Shake/click on a tree , you should get 30 coins
        17. Click "Add Coins" at the top left corner to enter bank ( so you can save it )
        18. Exit bank
        19. You can use mouse recorder to repeat step 16 to 18 till satisfied

        Thursday, February 18, 2010 by puzzifier
        Sponsored by

        Updated Address by fREE2SW4U
        Credits: AnEjd @ fREE2SW4U

        Firstly , Go to Restaurant City

        Note : You Will Only Get the "Garbage Guru" Trophy , Not the coins !

        Requirement: (you can download it at Download section )

        • Browser ( FireFox )
        • Cheat Engine 5.6
        • Flash Player 10
        • Brain

        Steps :

        1. Go to Restaurant City by clicking above links
        2. Then , set a friend as a Janitor (cleaner)
        3. Open your Cheat Engine 5.6 and choose Firefox as process
        4. Make sure you do this following settings/tick (Hex.4 bytes, also scan read only memory )
        5. Now , Scan address "9189D32B"
        6. 1 address should returned.
        7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
        8. Find "sub edx, ebx" and change it to "sub edx, edx"
        9. Ok , now new settings for Cheat Engine v5.5 (Hex.8 bytes. ASROM)
        10. New Scan address "04B874488901C183"
        11. 1 address should returned.
        12. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
        13. Find add ecx, 01 and change it to add ecx, 00
        14. New Scan address "83C7000001008389"
        15. You will be found to the two addresses, please select the second
        16. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
        17. You will see two lines were: "mov [ebx +00000124], eax" and "mov [ebx +0000011 c], 000007d0"
        18. Select "Mov [ebx +00000124], eax" points and right click it and choose "Replace with code that does nothing"
        19. For" Mov [ebx +0000011 c], 000007d0" change it from 760 to 000 , so it will be as this [ebx +0000011 c], 00000000
        20. New Scan address "E44589D47589C085"
        21. 1 address should returned.
        22. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
        23. Find je xxxxx ( xxxx is random digit ) and right click and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
        24. Scroll down and Find the same je xxxx and do the same as above steps
        25. Back to the game, you will see that trash are everywhere and its auto-clean
        26. Wait for 10 minutes and you should get the trophy !

        Strictly Note : Do not do it too long! Maybe if you get overlimit , there is unknown happen to you . Make sure you monitoring the game from time to time .

        by puzzifier
        You need to be Fan of Restaurant City before you can get this free  chocolate !

        Just Click This Picture Below ,

        Image hosting by

        by puzzifier
        You need to be Fan of Restaurant City before you can get this free  chocolate !

        Just Click This Picture Below ,

        Image hosting by

        by puzzifier

        This game is a Tower Defense genre game. Build Weapons and prevent the Crazies from attacking your building. I will be sharing Money, Gold and Level cheats.  


        Requirements: you can download it at Download section :
        • Flash 10
        • Firefox
        • Cheat Engine 5.6
        Steps for money cheat: [Working as at 18 Feb 2010]

        1. Click to play Crazies Tower Defense [click here to play]
        2. Open Cheat Engine (4bytes)
        3. Scan current amount of money. example: If you have 15 green notes, scan 15
        4. Earn or spend some of those green notes. 
        5. Next scan new amount of money.
        6. When 2 addresses left, double click both addresses and change the value to 999999
         Steps for Gold cheat:

        1. Scan current amount of Gold. example: If you have 300 gold, scan 300
        2. Earn or spend some of those gold. 
        3. Next scan new amount of gold.
        4. When 2 addresses left, double click both addresses and change the value to 999999
        Steps for Level

        1. Scan current amount of EXP. example: If you have 100 EXP, scan 100
        2. Gain some EXP. 
        3. Next scan new amount of EXP.
        4. When 2 addresses left, double click both addresses and change the value to 999999
        5. FREEZE the address.
        6. Now you will keep leveling up. 
        Have fun! 
        Crazies Tower Defense on Facebook
        by puzzifier

        Requirements: you can download it at "Download section" :
        • flash 10
        • cheat engine 5.6
        • firefox

        1. Go into Pet Society [click to play]
        2. Play a game of Ball with your pet.
        3. After about 5 hits, you can stop. 
        4. In Cheat engine, attach firefox as process, [tick HEX, ASROM, Array of Bytes]
        5. Scan "83C0018BD18B4F548975A489"
        6. 1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble
        7. You will see the code "add eax,01"
        8. Change it to "add eax,1E" 
        9. Right click the same code and select "Change register at this location"
        10. Tick EAX and paste this as the value 668a0
        11. Click OK
        12. Now play Ball with your pet again. Notice you will instantly get a high score.
        Tuesday, February 16, 2010 by puzzifier

        Firstly , Go to
        Happy Pets

        Requirement: you can download it at "Download section" :

        • Flash Player 10
        • Cheat Engine 5.6
        • Mouse Recorder
        • Browser ( FireFox /Flock )
        • Brain!!

        Steps :

        1. Go to Happy Pets by clicking above links
        2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6
        3. Make sure you setting/tick this following ( Hex, Array of Bytes, Also Scan Read Only Memory)
        4. Touch/Rub your Pet in game several time
        5. Scan address "85C00F848B0000008B48088B49548945"
        6. 2 addresses should return
        7. Right click the 2nd address and click "Disassemble memory region"
        8. Now , Find line "test eax, eax" and change it to "test eax,ecx"
        9. Now click on your piggy bank or visit a friend and click on his piggy bank
        10. You will notice that the coins in the piggy bank will not disappear but your amount of coins keep increasing
        11. You can use a mouse recorder to automate the clicking
        12. Once you satisfied, shift out some furniture and wait for a while for the game to auto save.
        13. Just refresh the game and coins should still remain

        by puzzifier

        Firstly , Go to
        Pet Society

        Requirement: you can download it at "Download section" :

        • Cheat Engine 5. 6
        • Flash Player 10
        • Browser ( FireFox )
        • Brain !!

        Steps :

        1. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
        2. Go to Stadium and Bet ( DO NOT START YET )
        3. Open Cheat Engine 5.6 and choose firefox as process
        4. Make sure the setting/tick is (Hex. 8 bytes. also scan read only memory)
        5. Scan address "5D8B000006C1840F"
        6. 1 address should returned
        7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
        8. Right Click the address that highlighted/selected code ( je xxxxxx ) and select "Replace with code that does nothing
        9. Find "and ecx,f8" and change it to "ecx,3E8"
        10. Scroll down , find "jne xxxxxx"
        11. Right Click the address the code and select "Replace with code that does nothing
        12. Back to Pet Society , Start racing and watch the race till the end
        13. You should gain 600$ coins , whether you win or lose

          by puzzifier

          Just Click This Picture Below ,
          you only can claimed once .

          Result : PainHacker
          Bonus!! , FFS Calculator


          Saturday, February 13, 2010 by puzzifier

          Firstly , Go to
          Pet Society

          You can prevent the mayor appearing by going to Tools > Internet Options > Delete > Delete All.
          This method will clear everything in your browser.

          Requirement you can download it at "Download section" :

          • Fiddler
          • Browser ( Internet Explorer/G.Chrome )
          • Latest Database ( DL1 ) ( DL2 )


          1. Make sure you already downloaded Fiddler
          2. Now , Open Fiddler
          3. Click 'Clear cache' if this is not your first time using Fiddler.
          4. Try to clear your browser cache too.
          5. Go to Pet Society by using above links (Only Internet Explorer or
          6. In Fiddler, search for this line
          7. "/game/pets/swf/X.X.X/shops/shopLuxuryXXXX.dat" (the X are digits that changes every update)
          8. Right click this line , Copy it and choose Just URL
          9. Go to Autoresponder
          10. Click Add
          11. The URL that you copied will appear.
          12. Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the Save button
          13. Select 'Find a File' and browse for the database that you've just downloaded from me"ShopLuxury-R2OHacks-database.Xml.Dat"
          14. Click Save
          15. Click Clear Cache and refresh your Pet Society
          16. Enter the Luxury Shop and you should see mystery items !! !!

          by puzzifier

          Firstly, Go to Country Story

          Requirement: you can download it at "Download section" :

          • Cheat Engine 5. 6
          • Flash Player 10
          • Browser ( FireFox )
          • Brain !!


          1. Go into Country Story by clicking above links
          2. Open Cheat Engine , choose process firefox
          3. Make sure the setting/tick is ( HEX , 8 bytes , ASROM )
          4. Scan address "81C02A0FF2104B8B"
          5. 1 address should returned
          6. Right click the address and choose "Disassemble this memory region"
          7. Find "mov ecx,[ebx+10]" and change it to "mov ecx,[edx+10]"
          8. Now , check your trophy list , you should gain all trophy :D
          9. Just saved it and enjoy !

          Thursday, February 11, 2010 by puzzifier

          Latest update of RC tool dated 11th Feb.

          Tools you can download it at "Download section" :

          • RC tool by TigerZZ [Link1 | Link2]
          • Firefox or preferred browser

          1. Go into Restaurant City
          2. Restaurant should be open, serving dishes to customers. 
          3. Download RC tool (link above) and extact everything to browser
          4. Open RCCheat.exe
          5. Select English or Spanish or Mandarin depending on your preferred language. Steps will be for English mode.
          6. Select Browser. Click Scan
          7. Click Low-scan. Give it about 1-2minutes of scanning to get all buttons clickable.
          8. Once scanning is done, select the cheats that you want! Take care when you use EXP cheat as excessive amount of EXP will become negative and you will not be able to rectify that! 
          Cheats includes:

          • Fast eat/customer/walk
          • Fast serve/cook/waiter
          • Infinite Stamina
          • EXP cheat
          • Speed hack
          • PAUSE quiz timing to search for answer
          • QUIZ to get all answers correct

            by puzzifier

            Firstly,  Go to Country  Story

            Requirement: you can download it at "Download section" :

            • Cheat Engine 5. 6
            • Flash Player 10
            • Browser ( FireFox )
            • Brain !!


            1. Go into Country Story by clicking above links
            2. Water some plant or tree
            3. Open Cheat Engine , choose process firefox
            4. Make sure the setting/tick is ( HEX , Array of bytes , ASROM )
            5. Scan address "660F2EC10F93C00FB6C08945E8"
            6. 1 address should returned
            7. Right click the address and choose "Disassemble this memory region"
            8. Find "xxxxxx xmm0,xmm1" and change it to "xxxxxx xmm0,xmm0"
            9. Search/scroll down for few line ( should be 4 line or more )
            10. Find "test eax,eax"  and change it to "test ebx,ebx"
            11. Every sprinkle/water of plant, you will  get your reward (seed)
            by puzzifier
            Requirement : you can download it at "Download section" :

            Steps :

            1. Download the Grease Monkey and Install it 
            2. After that , restart your firefox
            3. Now , go to the script , and click "Install"
            4. Your script will be installed to your grease monkey
            5. Then , go to Facebook
            6. You should see the "list" drop nearby the login form

            Wednesday, February 10, 2010 by puzzifier

            REQUIREMENTS: you can download it at "Download section" :

            • cheat engine 5.6
            • flash 10
            • firefox/flock

            1. Open cheat engine (hex, array of bytes, ASROM)
            2. Enter Country Story (click to play)
            3. Water a plant
            4. Scan "660F2EC10F93C00FB6C08945EC8B45EC
            5. 1 address returned. Right click > Diassemble
            6. You will see the line 'blahblah.xmm0,xmm1". Change it to "blahblah.xmm0,xmm0"
            7. Scroll down a few lines and you should see the code "ind "test eax,eax" 
            8. Change it to "test ebx,ebx"
            9. Plant a seed or water a plant now. You will keep getting rewards each time you plant/water a seed.
            Tuesday, February 9, 2010 by puzzifier

            Fresh Batch of Achievement Links, use them before it expires! Clicking on the link does not mean you have achieved the medals. Links expired will no longer give any coins! Working as at 9th Feb.










            by puzzifier
            Sponsored by

            Firstly, Go to Country Story

            Requirement ( you can download it at "Download section" :

            • Cheat Engine 5. 6
            • Flash Player 10
            • Browser ( FireFox )
            • Brain !!


            1. Go into Country Story by clicking above links
            2. Water some plant or tree
            3. Open Cheat Engine , choose process firefox
            4. Make sure the setting/tick is ( HEX , Array of bytes , ASROM )
            5. Scan address "660F2EC10F93C00FB6C08945EC8B45EC"
            6. 1 address should returned
            7. Right click the address and choose "Disassemble this memory region"
            8. Find "xxxxxx xmm0,xmm1" and change it to "xxxxxx xmm0,xmm0"
            9. Search/scroll down for few line ( should be 4 line or more )
            10. Find "test eax,eax" and change it to "test ebx,ebx"
            11. Every sprinkle/water of plant, you will get your reward (seed)

            Monday, February 8, 2010 by puzzifier

            Firstly , Go to
            Cafe World

            Requirement you can download it at "Download section"

            • Cheat Engine 5.6
            • Flash Player 10
            • Browser ( FireFox )
            • Brain !!


            1. Open CE 5.5 or 5.6
            2. Select process of browser    
            3. Enable speedhack (start from 5 to 10 depending on your browser connection) 
            4. Go to cafe world and prepare dish.( this is applicable to minute dishes only, or dishes that can be served up to 30 mins max, it is advisable to cook one dish for multiple stoves at a time to gain max fast serving )
            5. Wait for food to be served, do not visit any neighbour while cooking
            6. Served the food and visit a neighbor.You will notice when you get at your cafe, the dishes are reset but youre earning additional coins, FAST.
            7. Reminder: you have to watch over the cooking since the cooking time and spoilage for this trick is accelerated.
            by puzzifier

            Firstly , Go to
            Pet Society

            Requirement you can download it at "Download section"

            • Cheat Engine 5.6
            • Flash Player 10
            • Browser ( FireFox )
            • Auto Clicker
            • Brain !!


            1. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links 
            2. Then Brush your pet    
            3. Open Cheat Engine and select process firefox.exe, 
            4. Make sure the settings is (Hex, Array of bytes,ASROM)
            5. Scan Address 0F 84 D5 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B
            6. 1 address returned
            7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
            8. Right Click the address that highlighted/selected code and select "Replace with code that does nothing     
            9. New Scan 0F84CF0000008B5DF88B43088B4874
            10. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"    
            11. Right Click the address that highlighted/selected code and select "Replace with code that does nothing 
            12. New Scan 0F850A000000B804000000E9450500
            13. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region" 
            14. Right Click the address that highlighted/selected code and select "Replace with code that does nothing       
            15. New Scan 05508F0F and make sure the Setting  is(4byte,Hex,ASROM) 
            16. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region" 
            17. Right Click the address that highlighted/selected code andd select "Replace with code that does nothing     
            18. Back to Pet Society ,  your pet will be "teleporting" , bring out your brush at brush your pet

            Saturday, February 6, 2010 by puzzifier

            Firstly , Go to Tiki Resort

            Requirement ( you can download it at "Useful Download" :

            • Cheat Engine 5.6
            • Flash Player 10
            • Browser ( FireFox )
            • Brain !!

            EXP Steps :

            1. Go to Tiki Resort by clicking above links
            2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6
            3. Make sure the settings is (4bytes)
            4. Back to Tiki , scan your current EXP
            5. Then , collect trash or give a gift to your tourist
            6. Now , Scan your new current EXP
            7. There should be 1 or 2 address remain
            8. Double click it and its should go below box
            9. Change the address Value to 999999
            10. Viola !! Just collect your trash or give a gift to your tourist , you will gain easy level


            For level cheat , make sure you do above steps first to make it easier .

            Level Steps :

            1. Make sure you do above steps first
            2. New Scan your current level
            3. Now , same as above , Just collect your trash or give a gift to your tourist
            4. You should leveled up , scan your new current level
            5. 1 or more address should remain
            6. Double click it and its should go below box
            7. Change the address value to 40 ( max level )
            8. Viola !! You are max level right now . Enjoy !

              Result :

              Tiki Resort PainHacker

              Friday, February 5, 2010 by puzzifier

              Credit : Free2sw4u , 2010HackGames

              Firstly , Go to Pet Society

              Requirement:( you can download it at "Download section")
              • Cheat engine 5.6
              • Flash Player 10
              • Browser ( FireFox/Flock )
              • An Unuse/Primary Account
              • Brain !!
              Steps :
              1. Open your other/noob/unuse Facebook account
              2. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
              3. Open Cheat Engine
              4. Make sure you do this following settings [8 bytes, Hex, ASROM(also-scan-read only memory)]
              5.  Scan "000026840FE44589"
              6. 1 address should returned. 
              7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
              8. You will see the next line is "je XXXXX" (XXX is random digits)
              9. Right click this "je XXXXX" and select "Replace with code that does nothing
              10. Now enter any room and you will see Cupid-Hideeni.
              11. Click him , share and publish those roses
              12. Use your main account to claim those roses. 
              13. There are 12 of such roses so keep changing room and clicking on Hideeni to get all 12.

              by puzzifier

              I have shared this application before. This is an old Piaip tool where the 100% quiz feature is still working. The rest of the functions DO NOT work however, so UNCHECK ALL except the 'Quiz answer always correct'. This cheat is good for those of you who has not logged in Restaurant City for a long time (like me :p )  and has more than 20 Daily quizzes in the inbox (like me)


              1. Enter Restaurant City
              2.  Open v2.12 RC tool
              3.  Important: UNCHECK everything (if you don't do this, you will definitely get an error message when patching so don't say i didnt warn you. If however, you are 頭が悪い and did not follow this instruction and got an error while patching, just restart your Restaurant City and start from Step 1 again.)
              4. Tick "Quiz answer always correct" (make sure only this is ticked, and the Fast Scan)
              5. Select browser
              6. Click PATCH! 
              7. Now do your quizzes and you will get it correct everytime. (i cleared all my 20 quizzes with this xd)
              Next previous home